The following notes are to be considered for implementing precision farming for oil palm:

1)Oil palm is nutrients immobilized in palm tissue by growth and nutrients exported in the fresh fruit bunch (ffb). The major components of deficiency demand are increase in palm nutrient content to correct nutrient deficiency and increase in soil nutrients. Changing the present state in these four components to the optimum level and maintaining the optimum state are the central tenets of infers model. That is, these four components, ffb yield, growth (palm size), nutrient concentration in palm (usually the leaf nutrient concentration in frond 17 is used as an indicator) and soil nutrient concentration, form the targets in infers. Since these targets differ according to palm age, environment and economic situation, the palm nutrient requirements will also vary. Coupled with different fertilizer use efficiency, the fertilizer rates required for each field will change accordingly. This is indeed the essence of site-specific fertilizer recommendations. A brief description of infers module for computing fertilizer rates using n as an example is provided below. The detailed structure of infers is provided by Kee. (1994) and Corley and Tinker (2003) while the research which supports the model has been well described by Corley and tinker (2003). Since infers is based on the principle of plant demand and nutrient supply, the four targets to be achieved or maintained must be set correctly. The first target is usually based on the site yield potential using a model called asyp (Kee).

2)Oil palm is 24 months, 18 months, and 6months prior to maturation of the fruit bunches. Twenty-four months before fruit maturity is when sex selection of the flowers occurs. If oil palm trees are subjected to stress at this critical time, a higher proportion of the flowers become male flowers, which do not become fruit. Eighteen months before fruit maturity is the time of floral abortion. If oil palm trees are subjected to stress at this critical time, fewer flowers develop so a smaller number of fruit is produced. Six months before fruit maturity is the time of pollination. If oil palm is subjected to stress at this critical time, less pollination occurs and a smaller number of fruit is produced.

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